Short Story awards: Submissions now open

Thursday 29 February 2024

Submissions are now open for best short story.

The Festival’s Whitsundays Literary Heart Awards offers substantial cash prizes to recognise and honour both adults and under 18 year olds for best original short stories of creative fiction.

Award snapshot

Applicants are encouraged to pay particular attention to the required Award submission format, requested form details, and word limit. If the format and application requirements are not met, submissions may not progress.

Two divisions: Adult and Under 18 years old.

Prize money for both divisions: First Prize receives $1,000, and Runner-Up $500

Submissions: Must be original and unpublished works of fiction written in English and in any genre, from 1,000-3,000 words. Also include a 500-word synopsis, and other details.

Eligibility: Applicants are required to be Australian citizens living in Australia or abroad, or permanent residents who reside Australia. Applicants under 18 years are eligible with permission from their parent or guardian.

Deadline: Submissions for the Short Story Award from an adult and under 18 year old close Friday 31 May 2024.

Submission fee:

  • Adult: AUD$70 plus GST
  • Under 18 years old: AUD $25 plus GST